Silver Bullet

Client: SilverBullet

Reason for Project: The client needed an online learning platform to allow students to purchase and achieve their certificate online. The client was on a tight timeline and needed this done quickly.

Resolution:  Build an online education platform using Memberpress, LearnPress, Gamipress, WooCommerce, Elementor, and LearnPress Education Template.

What I did: I installed all the plugins and templates needed to build this site.  I pulled in the Demo for the Education Template, and started customizing Elementor.  The tight deadline on this project called for something prebuilt and ready to be customized.  The complexity of this project called for Elementor as a builder.  Custom Memberships were put in to allow for bundling of the courses.  I created custom Certificates for the courses, and badges through Gamipress.  Courses were created to allow for a video viewing, then a quiz afterward that when passed with 100% a certificate and badge is given.  WooCommerce was used for payment integration.

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