Timberland Wolves Football Boosters

Client: Wentzville Timberland Wolves Football Booster Club

Reason for Project:  The huddle club was paying an outrageous fee for hosting for a year, close to $1000/year through a 3rd party.

Resolution:  I sat on the board at the Booster club, as my son plays football for this school.  I volunteered to build them a new site and create their own hosting so they didn’t have the large yearly fees.

What I did:  I created a custom WordPress Theme with a new custom design.  The site needed to showcase the players, show when and where the games are with directions, allow the coach to update awards, and give any announcements that the booster club had to give for fundraisers and events.  They also wanted to put all the forms they currently handed out to parents online and send them to a spreadsheet for the correct members to see and keep track of.  I created custom forms for memberships with a Venmo payment button.  Custom forms for fundraisers, etc that populated a google sheet that was shared with the correct members.  The backend of this site allows them to easily update the pages with zero knowledge of WordPress.   Site was created using ACF, Bootstrap, and Underscores as a base theme.  This site was 100% volunteer work.

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